Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fat Thursday!!

This is really true I really eat lot more the day after Ash wed just because it is day after fasting.
This year it was not too bad. I had an omelet in the morning and a cup of soup and a piece of dark chocolate for lunch followed by a snack of crumb fried shrimp in the evening. The dinner was pork curry and lentils with rice and a pear for dessert. Does that seem a lot? I wonder if some of you felt the same need of eating more the day after ash wed .

Ash wednesday

Fasting is concept people take it too seriously . Church tells us we can have 2 light meals and one full meal. But every body does it differently and that's fine as long there are some things you give up that day which will make you remember the start of lent season. If you really think about it there are lot of days many people are fasting without even knowing it. When you know that you cannot have something your hunger pangs are exaggerated . But really is it devil tempting you ?????? I don't know. I kept myself busy and stayed away from home till I could eat a meal. But was I really cheating . I should have stayed home and resisted the temptation. Sorry I am not that strong.

soupy tuesday

Today was a cold and breezy day and I was dreaming of a steaming cup of soup. I have been wanting to recreate this white bean chicken chilly I had sometime back in a small diner. So I started with pressure cooking white bean with sauteed onion and garlic and green chillies and salt pepper.
Once it is cooked I added chicken broth , diced cooked chicken threw in some carrots because I had it and cooked the soup till it thickened . It was actually very comforting.

I also had some hot chocolate too which made me toasty warm by end of the day.

Valentine's Day

Saint Valentine's Day has sadly been taken over and commercialized by romantic expressions of erotic love when in fact it is meant to teach us the value of real love.
When we say to someone "be my Valentine" we are asking that person to be the one who helps us to know the Caritas of God, to help us learn to love as God loves. That is the greatest gift we can give to another,and that is what we should be for others if we really love them. I read this in a magazine and I want to share this . I am the first one to admit that I don't follow that all the time.

Anyway My valentine gave me a beautiful pot of tulips that morning but later we had to take that for a friend as we did not have time to buy something else( on my request) . But next day my sweet heart upgraded and brought me beautiful bouquet of Roses. We also went with 7 other couples to have dinner . I felt it was too many people as we had to shout across the table or only converse with the couple in front of you. No matter what it was fun to celebrate among friends.

Friday, February 12, 2010

whole week just blew by me

It because on of my kids (baby) was home and we were lazing around watching movies and eating .
Was worried about the weather but she made it ok to SFO.
Let us see what all I made for her. She wanted Shrimp masala and chicken curry with chapathi.
I made some cool snacks like flat bread with greens and grilled steak. crusted bread with goat cheese and balsamic . Smores of course!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

expecting snow storm

We are expecting so much snow it is not funny. People usually stock up in these kinds of days. But we normally have things in the freezer to last six months without even stepping out . I can even probably feed few other people too. So I am not worried. So let's wait and see how much comes down. They have not been right all the time.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sad Sad Super Bowl Sunday

It Really Really Sucks!!!!!
By the way my baked brie did not come out well this time . I am in no mood to write any more today.
Good Night

sunny saturday

It was a beautiful sunny day today and I was very proud to be productive . I cooked a sausage omelet for us in the morning followed by a typical kerala meal with lentil and dried beef fry.That should last for a few days .Then I was in a mood to do some grooming so I did myself a pedicure and manicure . So I can be free to spend time with my baby who is coming on Monday.

Any way we had a good time at this Chinese place where we ordered salty squid with loads of garlic, ginger and green onions and red chillies. It is really great ! Another one we all loved was small pieces of crispy duck with lots of garlic and chilly also. We were amazed at their creativity of craving oranges in a platter at the end . We enjoyed seeing our good friends catching up and teasing each other specially men and even escaped a small verbal fight. This is our usual dynamics.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

getting ready for super bowl

we expected so much snow but everything went east coast . Though I hate cold it is so pretty to see the white flakes hanging on the trees glistening like jewels from my window. The best site is my sweet dog O running thru the fresh snow pretending to be a big big bunny. It is so cute!
But anyway all I can say is I survived a very bad Friday .
Saturday has turned to be sunny though cold we are meeting a few good friends to welcome back Tomy from haiti. I am anxious to hear all the news. Super bowl Sunday should be exciting.
we are going to a pot luck to which I am taking baked brie and chilly chicken. I will let you know how it comes out.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

stay at home thursday

I did have a very long Wednesday working on something at the office from 9am to 5pm and realized how much I admire people who work that way everyday. By evening though I was exhausted I asked a friend to stop by for a cosmo and baked brie with brown sugar, walnuts ,
and cranberry jam ( which was amazing ) . That was the best way to end the day. I have learned to make a perfect cosmo .

So today I have decided to stay home take care of some bills, laundry and cooking . Though it sounds boring I love it as I can catch up on the view and Oprah and cuddle up with Oreo if I feel like it. I feel lucky that I am able to do that.
Food for thought : Do we really feel lucky for certain things other people take it for granted?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Survived Lazy Monday

After all I did drag myself out by 2.45 pm and even made it to yoga and came home ate most of all the left over( which was not much) with my sweetie and we went for a really cheesy movie "when in Rome". We came home and did not eat anything which was a big achievement.
Today is a new day and the weather they say is climbing to 36 whoopee!! I should sign off and go for water Aerobics today and get my day started right. I love those oldies who love me back but these days there are some young ones coming in taking my spot .

Monday, February 1, 2010

Lazy Monday

Today I have been lazy and cannot get out of my pajamas . It is already 1 pm . So far I have eaten 1 egg white omelet and scoop of yogurt drizzled with honey and sprinkled with nuts and dried fruit.
You would think I should be satisfied ( I was for 1 Hr) Then I did some laundry talked on the phone emptied the dish washer and then I was hungry again. Then I raided the fridge and found a french bread slice with goat cheese and filo triangle filled with spinach and cheese from yesterday's impromptu party . After that unnecessary munching I went to the computer and did on line banking and checked my email etc and now I am debating what to do. This is what I am tempted to do . Go lie down on the couch and watch mallu channel and encourage Oreo to flop next to the couch so I can cuddle him . But what would be better for me is to take a shower and dress and go the office so I am productive and come back home only after my Yoga. Stay tuned and I will let you what I actually did after all.

My first day blogging

Today Feb 1st is my first day of my blogging. Special thanks to Anj for setting this up. I am hoping this is good for me and for my very few chosen people who will be part of it. Everyone would wonder what is this blog is all about . It can contain my thoughts or my food or my diet or my frustrations or my mood. It may be funny or tasty or ugly or sad . So bear with me till I get the hang of it.